Thursday, April 28, 2011

... when I got back to Arts

I remember to have mentioned about my love for arts, and painting particularly, in my previous posts… and I also remember to have mentioned that I quit painting for 5-6 years then started it over again in 2010.

When I started painting and got deep into graphics I somehow came to realize that I would like to do something more that just paintings. Painting is very cool and extremely difficult especially for the ones who are not good at drawing… I don’t feel I am… so I started experimenting…
I took wires and started making random images and they turned out to be something nice and probably what I have been looking for while thinking of my own style. I thought I wouldn't really draw anything, but rather make the images and create my compositions with wires and color the background.
Never been a feminist, but have always valued the beauty of a woman. So the great majority of my works seemed to be dedicated to women. So tell me what you think of it all ?!... will appreciate to get feedback... :)))

The beauty of the woman (paper, oil, wire)
Love (paper, oil, wire) 

Head off (paper, oil, wire)
the Girl with umbrella (paper, oil, wire)
Lenin (paper, oil, wire)
man and woman (paper, oil, wire)
This is how I became a Wire-Addict :)))
oh, by the way, I think I got carried away with wires… look at my Christmas tree

my 1st XMAS tree 2010-2011
All the decorations of the tree are handmade by Ivana Krcadinac and Gohar from Kapan (If you've ever bought anything from Homeland Handicrafts you’d know her)

Talking about my first artworks, let me share also the ones actually painted and not "wired" :))

the Sad Elephant (already known :)
the Girl with a cat (paper, oil and marker :)))
Every Child Matters (paper, water color)

the Woman
Serenity (paper, oil)
NU (paper, oil)
the Reach (paper, oil)
another NU in autumn :) (paper, oil)

 my palette :))) 
The great majority of the photos here were taken during my first exhibition by a super talented artist and the dearest friend of mine Lilie Altunyan who lives in France now :) 

Thank you for your attention and the time spent on this page :)) 

p.s. Lilie, I miss you so... :*